Results summary
It is the result that matters
An overnight conversion increase
online conversion increase
Offering a bigger inventory online means a higher turnover. Not only through offering a wider assortment but also by virtually always having all size and product ranges complete. All within the same short delivery time. Expect a growth of 45% up to even 85% more digital turnover by just having more width and depth in your inventory.
Less operational expenses at the DCs
OPEX on digital channels
Your distribution centre will experience far less peak workloads. By capitalising the downtime staff hours for order fulfilments you will save on DC costs. The return flow to the DC is also minimised. Expect the overall operational expenses on your digital turnover to be around 18% to 24% depending on your branche.
Less markdowns at the end of the season
Less markdowns will improve your margins
Use all available information to define where to leave specific products and from where to send products. Make sure that returns are complementary to the local inventory at stores while cleaning broken size and product ranges. Add complementary products to a store-to-store order to have them at another store within 24 hours. These products normally get replenished through the DC at the end of the season. On average our ship-from-store modules have saved 18% on replenishment costs by optimising product flows.
Less costs for handling returns
Returns seen as replenishment lowers your costs
Traditionally returns are either returned to the DC by postal service or physically returned to the stores. More often than not this results in high handling expenses. The Retail Unity engine changes this by prioritising misplaced returns for ship-from-store fulfilment and by giving the consumer a label for postal returns based on replenishment needs. Expect far less returns in your DC and far less distribution costs to replenish misplaced returns. Stores will even benefit from the returns as it complements their assortments.
Less cash refunds when handling returns
average refunds replaced for alternative products
Depending on the local inventory at your stores you are not always able to replace a return with an alternative product. However, the in-store sales kiosks will give you the entire inventory to choose from. You can replace the return by shipping an alternative from another location. When a customer returns a product a store can quickly replace the product through the kiosk, thus minimising the workload and queue at the POS.
A higher conversion rate at the stores
additional sales though in-store kiosks
Never having to sell ‘no’ again. Retail Unity leaves no product out of reach no matter how big or small your local inventory is. The in-store sales kiosk provides the ideal alternative if a product is not at hand. The kiosk also doubles as a sales tool which empowers the employees to show videos and detailed product specifications. Expect an additional 4% to 8% more turnover at the stores just by selling less ‘NO’ to your customers.
Saving on replenishment costs
Less markdowns, higher margins
When the end of a season approaches we use markdowns to sell our broken size and product ranges because we want to prevent sending these products to the DC to consolidate them and store them until the next season. The Retail Unity Omnichannel Suite will avoid these costs and will improve your margins.
New buying / merchandise intelligence
Better intel and optimisations during the season.
The Retail Unity Omnichannel suite generates business intelligence that enables merchandise and buying to better define the local assortments at your stores. The best sale is still a direct sale in your stores. You get more out of your merchandise and buying budget.
Request our Proof-of-Concept
Let us proof what the Retail Unity Ship-from-Store Platform will do for your Retail Group. We will run up to one year of your data through our Platform. The extensive algorithms will show you exactly how the Platform influences your turnover rate, conversion increase, replenishment costs and lost sales.